The chances of WB and Disney ever getting together again to make a Roger Rabbit movie are really really slim. Maybe once everyone who was involved in the first one is dead they will, but there were too many internal fights over the sequel.
Pikmin is being done, I'm sure. I've had Four swords for quite awhile now and just got to playing it. FUN-O-RAMA. I can only play it with sis though cause I gots no gamer friends. There are tons of games I'd love to see on wii. I think I actually made a blog post about it...
EDIT: apparently I didn't have a very big list. I know there were more...
Four Swords, though expensive to play it properly, was one of the best gaming experiences last gen. I'm sure I heard that a new version was coming to WiiWare or something.
No kidding? Awesome. Someone actually told me that four swords wasn't so great. Once you get past the hyrule thing, it's pretty fun. I already had two gameboys (because I'm an awesome brother and scored one from sis) so all I needed to buy was used game link cables. I'm sad they didn't use gameboy linking more and I'm worried they won't use DS-Wii connecting enough.
Originally Posted by JustinC The chances of WB and Disney ever getting together again to make a Roger Rabbit movie are really really slim. Maybe once everyone who was involved in the first one is dead they will, but there were too many internal fights over the sequel.
You'd be surprised. I mean they#re making new EWJ...
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
I had Four Swords before my brother traded it and Link's Awakening for Rayman 3. Anyway, my brother owns Four Swords Adventures on Gamecube and I played through that because you can play with just one person. It's fun too.
Oh, I thought you meant the gamecube one. I never got to play the GBA one because nobody but my brother has it. And, as I said, I gots no gamer friends.
Hey, JG... I was reading the first post again... I don't know if somebody aleady said this but that storyline's been used. In Sonic CD (believe that was the name...) Sonic can travel through time and see the effects of robotnik's conquests or something like that... It's been quite a few years so I don't remember the exact details.
In that game, Sonic travels to Little Planet, a planetoid attached to his planet by a long metal chain. Sonic uses time travel by going past posts fast enough to see a good or evil future or see the general past. Then he could destroy machines to save the future and see the good future, or leave them behind to see the bad future.
While in both stories Robotnik desires the ability to control time, the difference occurs in the fact that in my story, Eggman has a machine to utilize the Chaos Emeralds for time control to change the timeline. Sonic and Robotnik race to get the Chaos Emeralds. If you don't get any, he changes the world into Eggtopia. If you get between 1 and 6, he fails. If you get all 7, he succeeds, but you go after him to fight him and change the timeline back to normal.
I guess the main difference is the fact that it takes place outside Little Planet, involves the Chaos Emeralds, and no time travel occurs outside of the ending.
Also, in my mind, Robotnik is very aggresive in this story, decimating cities, islands, everything to get the Chaos Emeralds because none of this will have happened once he changes the timestream.
In the perfect ending, Sonic uses Robotnik's time machine to repair the world.
At least we know you're good at coming up with sellable storylines! Either that or you're good at subconsciously digging up old memories... But I think it's the first.
I already commented on that story. Took them long enough to pick it up. Ever read Protodude's Rockman Corner? IGN also says there are two unnamed capcom projects for e3. As I've said a million times: Here's hoping for MML3 or SF Wii.
I'm busy working on a secret project right now. When I get done, the community will know.
In the meantime, I want to play a new Mario & Luigi RPG, or a new Mario RPG in general. They could make a Mario & Luigi 3, put it on Wii with 3D cel-shaded graphics, but it would still play on a 2D eight directional plane. I think that would be cool.