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Has Donated, Thank You!360 Owner
20th December, 2009 at 03:26:58 -

Yeh Andy i realise that and fair point. Anyways Nim just voiceing my opinion Xbox live is the way forword i'm happy to pay £40 a year for a great online easy to use service! And more to the point the Xbox live service is the main reason why i would advise you to go down the Microsoft route! Wow these rooms are tough..... think i'll stick to game making


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
20th December, 2009 at 12:24:12 -

I really wouldn't say Nintendo's internet service is better than Live. Infact I, and probably 99% of the planet, would say otherwise.

Friend codes, single account, can't transfer account, games locked to account (which is locked to the console), different codes for different games (non universal), no profile, only in a few games, extremely limited voice chat (still just in Animal Crossing?), no text chat, limited messaging service. Nintendo's is worse than XBL on the original Xbox.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13

alastair john jack



20th December, 2009 at 12:38:31 -

There only seems to be only 2 or 3 good games for Wii/xbox/ps3, it's a pity. Hopefully technology/hardware will increase drastically soon, so we can move on to a fresh new generation (which probably won't happen for another 6 years).



20th December, 2009 at 12:54:03 -

Oh. Nintendo's online setup is by far the worst of the 3. That's not even up for debate.



Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
21st December, 2009 at 10:46:24 -

The online service on the Wii is more like the Sega Saturn than the original Xbox. At least on the Saturn you would use the same number for all games (same as your phone number, the system would dial the other player directly to reduce latency)

I'd say if you can afford it and isn't bothered by the lack of Halo go for the PS3. It has better exclusives.

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!




SnowMan!PS3 Owner360 OwnerI am an April Fool
24th December, 2009 at 12:35:05 -

id have to say PS3 ive got both and tbh the PC is the best =P buuut PS3 is better than xbox cos the xbox is a pile of crap, the OS is crap when you press the middle button whether your in game or not, it lags! go for PS3 and get SOCOM Comforntations ftw



VIP MemberPS3 OwnerI like Aliens!I'm a Storm TrooperIt's-a me, Mario!I am an April FoolPicture Me This Round 48 Winner!
29th December, 2009 at 05:49:47 -

Originally Posted by Crazy Codemonkey
Not cool Nim.

That's kinda ridiculous. Why does it matter if nim has a ps3? I don't think anyone cares who owns what.

All your base are in another castle, take this.


What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
29th December, 2009 at 13:33:15 -

You might like to know that Codemonkey owns a PS3.




31st December, 2009 at 20:28:57 -

I know Nim has already made his decision, but i would still like to try giving my fair judgment on the two consoles.
To start off, i own both PS3 and Xbox360.

In comparison to PS3, i feel the Xbox is ripping me off. If i play my PS3 and i want to play online, i need only connect. If on my PS3 i want some DLC for my game, i pay for and download the DLC. The Xbox is cheaper, cheap is better, no one wants more expensive. If i play my 360 and i want to play online, i need to PAY to do so. If on my 360 i want some DLC for my game, i need first having PAYED for online, then pay for what the DLC costs. If i want to continue playing my 360, i need to PAY supplying a constant flow of energy to the 360 controller/s, being it batteries wich are rechargeable or not. Considering how 360 kinda pushes the responsibility on YOU, to pay continuously for the controller to function, for a online connection(like you don't already pay for your connection) yearly, i cannot help but feel like I'm being ripped off. The amount payed not being the point here; im not buying a car, why should i pay a yearly fee to be able to enjoy playing games, why should i pay to make my controller power on? Again, its the principal here, not the amount of money; What if you don't have that much money, what if your broke? How much does the 360 care about you them? Your controller will turn off, and your gaming experience gets limited if not non-existing, because you don't have the money to spend. Again, its the principal. Its in this contrast i feel PS3 CARES more about keeping you as a professional gamer, and less about you as a paying costumer or your wallet. If my 360 controller don't have power, i will actually have to get off my ass, go down to the store, and spend MONEY if i haven't already done so. This is not about being lazy or not, if anyone feels they need to make a point of that. Its not so much Sony getting a big plus for this, but rather Microsoft getting a huge minus.

Regarding graphics, im no expert on the hardware of any of the consoles, and can therefore only talk from my personal experience. And my personal experience is that 360 does have noticeable, not huge not faintly, but noticeable better graphics. a game i have spent many many hours playing is Fallout, and i started off playing it on 360. I later bought it for PS3, and being a bit picky about details, i did notice things as the view distance was short, the lighting seemed a but duller and 'especially' the camera change when turning seemed smooth like a motion blur on 360, but rougher and 'uglier' on the PS3. I don't do any of the consoles any justice having little to none insight intoo the hardware, or by judging by a single game experience. Never the less, as hard as it may be for me to put my finger on exactly what, my experience and impression with Fallout and other games i have played on the 360 is that 360 has the noticeably edge in graphics, being it an edge of effort from the designers part or better hardware.

Now the controller is another very important thing about a console. The two controllers are different, sometimes buttons are sticky on the PS3 controller, and sometimes the 360 buttons getts sticky as well, its nothing to weep over. But one thing that has noticably failed on the 360 controller, is the Dpad, and yes its a big deal, its a huge part of the controller and its actually being used in games. If it had just been a minor irritation, like the stickiness of some buttons, i wouldn't have bothered mentioning it, but in the 360s case it matters. selecting directions up-left up-right down-left down-right is a gamble, also up down left right can easily result in a wild moves. For instance in games as Oblivion and Fallout, where the Dpad directions are used to store things like magic and weapons, being able to switch between thees at will is essential, instead of entering inventory multiple times during a battle to equip/ select the correct weapons/ magic during a battle. With the 360 controller i found this a big pain in the ass, i found myself more than often jumping around walking backwards for long periods of time because it was just so darn hard to select the weapon/ magic you had stored in one of the Dpad directions. Playing the same games on PS3 i have hav no such problems at all. The 360 Dpad issues greatly affected my gameplay experience of thees great big games, Fallout and Oblivion.

Another little thin that add upp to 360s minus side, is something everyone who have ever played a 360 know about. The loud humming noise of the console. You may want to say, "Its the game thats important", "Its there for a reason" or "You can turn it off". But either way, a very noticeable loud humming noise coming from your console is not an advantage, and off course its the game thats important but it may annoy other in lets say the household, and if you can turn it off why was it there in the first place? Why not turn it off permanently.

360 -

360 pluss

360 -



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
31st December, 2009 at 20:36:12 -

Giving the 360 a minus because the controllers are battery powered is somewhat silly, if you ask me. Invest in a nice recharging stand. Or opt for the USB version. But I do agree with the other cost issues.

My brother brought his 360 home for Christmas break, and it rattles the whole hardwood floor even with a carpet under it.

Edited by OMC




31st December, 2009 at 21:27:32 -

Well, i don't mean to be stubborn, but i will have to disagree that its silly at all. Microsoft deciding to deliver 360s with battery controllers as a standard, IS no matter if you chose to do something about it or not (like investing in stand or new USB version) going to cost you additional money, and not practical. There probably are people that would deem a battery powered controller to be somewhat a neutral solution, neither good nor bad. But hey, you either have to invest in an alternative solution, or keep buying batteries right, either way you loose/spend money. In contrast to the PS3 standard controller, 360s controller is a part of the extra expenditures. And its because of the extra expenditures all together i choose to give it a minus, in contrast to the PS3 where it's all neatly delivered for free. Not the battery powered contoller alone



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
31st December, 2009 at 21:32:11 -

A very good point indeed! The controller issue itself just doesn't seem like a major issue. An annoyance, sure. I agree that the rest of the fees are a pain.

Edited by OMC



Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
1st January, 2010 at 02:51:45 -

I like that with an Xbox controller I can plug it into my PC and play all most of my games.
I bought an Arcade 360 so I have a wired controller, but there's an adapter to get wireless ones working too. 360 aside it's the best controller I've used for a PC and thankfully it's got widespread support in both indie and commercial games.
(which is funny since the PS3 supports bluetooth headsets, keyboards etc but the controller doesn't work on PC's without mods and hacks and shizz)

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


1st January, 2010 at 09:25:43 -

Well yeah, since it's the famous MS corporation, the Xbox do offer other treats working outside of the console. Like you said, easy connection to PCs and XNA being some of them. You are able to create and present your created games through Xbox live also, something that to my knowledge isn't possible on PS3. This of course adds a big plus for Xbox, opening for creativity and PC compatibility. I could have included this fact in my 'judgment' above, but i feel it belongs outside the boundaries of casual gaming and therefor doesn't appeal to everyone who just wants to choose a console to play on. Its not taken that all gamer freaks are interested in programming in XNA or programing at all, for instance.

Although i dont program XNA myself or do i plan to, this is an fruitful option i envy the Xbox for having. Still being a Sony patriot when it comes to console gaming

Edited by CakeSpear




Has Donated, Thank You!Code MonkeyVIP MemberThe Cake is a LieThe Spinster
1st January, 2010 at 12:14:25 -

Originally Posted by Dr. James
I like that with an Xbox controller I can plug it into my PC and play all most of my games.
I bought an Arcade 360 so I have a wired controller, but there's an adapter to get wireless ones working too. 360 aside it's the best controller I've used for a PC and thankfully it's got widespread support in both indie and commercial games.
(which is funny since the PS3 supports bluetooth headsets, keyboards etc but the controller doesn't work on PC's without mods and hacks and shizz)

You don't need mods/hacks/shizz to get the PS3 controller working on the PC - just a simple driver to install, and then it works perfectly fine with ANY game that supports joysticks. Granted it's still more of a hassle than the 360 controller which is practically plug-and-play (plus reconfiguring the buttons can be a pain too), but they both work fine on the PC with minimal effort.

I'm just saying because I've been using my PS3 controller on my PC for about 2 years now and had no issues with it at all.

Edited by Flava

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