Here's my situation: I want to buy one of these. I simply don't care about the fanboy stuff (so you can leave those shoes at the door), all I want to know is, which one will entertain me more? Perhaps as a sign of getting old, I've been happy with the Wii and PC for a long time, so I haven't really kept up with this generation of HD consoles very well.
I don't enjoy playing FPS games on consoles. I'd make exceptions for Bioshock and CoD4, but that doesn't tip the scales in either direction since they're cross-platform. Multiplayer FPS games are no. Multiplayer online games are also no. I neither have the time to invest or the patience to get good at them.
On the PS3, I'd immediately buy Little Big Planet, Metal Gear 4 and Uncharted 2. As far as the Xbox goes, I can't think of a single exclusive game that I would immediately buy, but its online system seems to be much more established and they have a better focus on indie games (which admittedly are usually released on PC too). It's also cheaper here.
Specifically, I'd like to know about region locking. Have any of you bought import games and had issues with them on either console? I'm looking into this now.
You must get a ps3 I got one about 3 weeks ago and dont regret it one bit. I only have Little Big Planet but that game is still lasting me, Ive been on it just about every day, so much to do.
As it stands now, I'd go for the Xbox. I only play PC games online.
But yea. The PS3 has the exclusives but multiplatform games are almost always better on the Xbox in terms of loading, graphics, connectivity and general kick arseness of the 360 OS. MS moneyhatted their way into getting either full or timed exclusive DLC too. It's been around longer and theres just more games on the Xbox.
Most xbox games dont have region locking either. Though it's always a pain to find a region locked game that you want :@ (they never released the Williams Pinball collection in Europe grr).
There are some nice little gems in the xbox community games shop too.
Originally Posted by -Adam- Omg doesn't it? Damn if this is true I'll be very happy. There's one game that didn't come out in Europe and I'd quite like to try it out
PS3 is region free, with the exception of Blu-ray movies. The region locking features for games are in there, but I read that the only game to utilise them is Stranglehold. There are still other issues with buying international games - such as NTSC/PAL (for HDMI TVs this is not a problem), and being locked to the region you bought the game from when it comes to downloading DLC and playing online.
The Xbox is only selectively region free, decided by the game publishers. Meh. That's a big downer for me because you can be sure that the region locked games will be the major releases and not Barbie Goes Canoeing (Halo 3 is a notable region-locked game).
Edit: James replied too!
I really don't know about the Xbox. I like it, it's cheap, and it has all the cross-platform games (er, obviously), but not many key features grab my interest. I like the community games shop, though. Are the loading times / graphics that much better on the Xbox360?
Interms of the better machine we all know that the Playstation 3 is more powerful however with Xbox 360 you have game achivement points this is an amazing feature & Xbox Live is in a class of its own. Sure you can play online with PC or Playstation but its no where near as good or as user friendly. Yep the Xbox 360 platform is the best and the cheaper option!!!! In my opinion Xbox 360 is the best console ever made it just has one small problem "reliability" ! I'm on my 4th, don't worrie too much about that though you get a 3 year warranty with every Xbox!
360 is better with online stuff like mutliplayer but its also much quicker with downloading demos, etc their online service is much quicker.
However if you dont have a blue ray player yet then go for the ps3 and since you are not into the online gaming much then I would say the ps3 might be a better fit for you.
So there ya go, it is not a xbox360 VS ps3 wich one is better, most games play the same on either console it is more what console is better for you personally and what you are trying to do with it.
On a side note I asked santa to get me a psp, hopefully i'll get it
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Originally Posted by Va1entine Interms of the better machine we all know that the Playstation 3 is more powerful
Bzzt wrong. The PS3 has the better CPU chip, but the Xbox has better memory and GPU.
Originally Posted by nim
Are the loading times / graphics that much better on the Xbox360?
Yea. The PS3 also requires you to install games (at least on the ones I played), but they still take as long to load as an Xbox and it just makes the experience feel a little bit cheaper. Hopefully they sort this out with faster bluray drives in future models.
I wouldn't worry too much about playing online. Most games have a matchmaking system that puts you against people of similar skill.
PS3 for me - you get more for what you pay, and it has the better exclusives in my opinion. Also the difference in graphics/loading times between 360 and PS3 is barely noticeable anymore - the PS3 used to be worse off when it first came out, but now there isn't much difference.
At the end of the day it depends what games you want (these are just a few off the top of my head):
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted 2
God of War 3 (2010)
Killzone 2
Wipeout HD
Ratchet & Clank Future 1 & 2
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 & 2
Resistance 2
Valkyria Chronicles
PixelJunk Shooter (PSN)
PixelJunk Eden (PSN)
Fat Princess (PSN)
Gran Turismo 5 (2010)
Heavy Rain (2010)
Xbox 360
Gears of War (also on PC)
Mass Effect (also on PC)
Gears of War 2
Halo 3
Forza Motorsport 2 & 3
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 (also on PC)
Fable 2
Shadow Complex (Live)
Project Gotham Racing 3 & 4
Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (also on PC)
Trials HD (Live)
Viva Pinata 1 & 2
Forza Motorsport 3
Alan Wake (2010 or 2011 - not sure)
There are also games like Castle Crashers and Braid - but Braid has just been released on PS3, and Castle Crashers will be released on PS3 next year.
I would recommend the PS3 because, even though you are not interested at present in playing online when you do eventually do so you will not have to pay for the privilege whereas M$ decided to charge extra for this feature!
But you should probably get either a high end PC or PS3.
Apart from Ghostbusters I can't think of any other recent games that have had such a noticeable difference.
The differences between any multi platform ps3 and 360 game are always incredibly small and completely insignificant.
I fail to understand why people even take screenshots of games showing off how they compare.
It would be like you and a friend buying a sandwich, the winner being the person with the most mayonnaise...
Originally Posted by AndyUK The differences between any multi platform ps3 and 360 game are always incredibly small and completely insignificant.
I fail to understand why people even take screenshots of games showing off how they compare.
It would be like you and a friend buying a sandwich, the winner being the person with the most mayonnaise...
Microsoft decided to charge extra for this feature? Did you forget which existed first? Xbox Live or the Playstation Network. People keep using the paid service as a huge negative against Xbox Live but they never mention that it's worth it.
Honestly though, I prefer Xbox 360 but come this January I'm going to have both. The console wars have ended, everyone just stop. This is pretty stupid. Fact of the matter is, the graphics of the console are based anymore, entirely on how much work the developers put into the game and which system they are bias towards when it's cross platform. Power means nothing if it's not utilized. Exclusives mean nothing if you don't care. Online is pointless without friends on the same network.
If you don't want to go wrong at all... just stay with a PC because someone will always be quick to tell you how much your missing because you picked the "wrong console" and it's very irritating.
Stupid? From the beginning it was already determined that this would not be a console war, it would be a "which one should I get since I can only get one" specifically for Nim. Nobody said anything out of line, but it would be much more pleasant if we kept on topic!
Nim, would you plan on using this system solely for gaming? Media streaming and whatnot might come into play, you know. I think we already talked about Bluray.
As it stands I have 86 Xbox 360 games. I love the Xbox Live service (yes, you do pay for the ability to play online against others but its very well done and equates to about 10p a day to play it online). It supports XNA, allowing anybody to put their games on it in the Indie Games section, but you have to pay to do this. And Clickteam will be working on an XNA runtime too, which I'm very excited about. I love the controller. It moulds into your hands. It has a great selection of games, and many of them. I prefer its Achievement system over the Trophy System, but I can't really explain why. I feel the Xbox360 is the greatest console ever - apart from the reliability. I've had to get it repaired twice, but Microsoft gave me 1 months Xbox Live for free as compensation each time. And it's noisy. But they're cheaper.
I only have 9 PS3 games. My PS3 died as soon as I turned it on for the very first time so had to take it back, but GAME replaced it with a different one. I think the Six-Axis controller is very gimmicky, prefer the Dual Shock 3. It's very quiet. It has a built in Internet browser. Playing games online is free but the service isn't quite so good, ie, Sony don't tend to ban idiots. It has LittleBigPlanet, which Adam rightly enjoys. It plays Blu-Ray discs. The PS3 is technically more powerful but I haven't really seen any games or graphics that couldn't be done on the Xbox 360. Then again, the PS3 has untapped potential. I love my PS3 too, especially as it's backwardly compatible with PS2 and PS1 games (although current consoles don't support this).
My conclusion? I love both consoles to bits for different reasons and I'm lucky enough to be able to have afforded them both at the time. Do some research Chris, make a list of all the positives and negatives from the comments people here have made. In terms of reliability a PS3 is your best bet, but its not just about that, it's about the games, and for me, even the controller. When multiformat games come out I nearly always get them for the 360.
If I were Jeremy Clarkson, I would probably be saying something along the lines of "The 360 is a great boys gadget that can hold your entertainment for a very long time, but the PS3 is a MANS console. It reeks of class, integrity and maturity."
If you're an immature man, such as myself (lol) then get both!
Originally Posted by -Adam- No, you just have a completely aggressive tone to most of your posts, and blow things out of proportion.
No, you always take it that way though because it gives you a sense of accomplishment to point it out. How about not responding to none of my posts directly, and see how much less aggressive they get. No seriously, try it.
Stop trying to play innocent Brandon. You know exactly what I mean by aggressive tone, and you know that I'm right.
Acusing people of yet another console war, when people were merely voicing their opinions on their favourite console/games in a civilised debate (if you can even call it that), and you have to come along and make it look like it's more than it is. Did you even read the first post? Nim asked people for their opinions on the two consoles, of course they're going to be compared.
Just get back on topic or don't bother posting, please.
I don't have an Xbox or a ps3. Since they are dirt cheap now, maybe i should get one.
Informing myself first though...
Edited by Ricky
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
19th December, 2009 at 01:19:29 -
I have an Xbox 360 and I love playing Multiplayer FPSs (mainly Halo 3). It's true that the multiplayer is much better on Xbox 360, however since you said you don't care for online or FPS it seems like you should get a PS3. Bluray movies and Little Big Planet are two reasons I would get a PS3, which I was thinking about earlier this year.
I don't care much for online gameplay, but LBP online is awesome fun Never fail to laugh when playing with friends on it. Being able to purchase PS1 titles online is pretty cool, too.
Depends what games you like I guess. I wish I got a Japanese 360, so I could play the Japan region games. I just have an Austrlalian one though, we don't get xbox indie games or what ever they're calling them.
Hey everyone, thanks a lot for the advice. I've done a lot of research and it looks like we're going to get a PS3, which was always looking like the stronger contender. The 360 is getting a lot of support in this thread but it's for reasons that I don't really care about (online gaming, mainly) One year ago, I would've bought an Xbox360 without question, but Sony has had an unbelievably good year, and it looks like developers are finally getting used to working with the PS3's hardware (except whoever made that Ghostbusters game) I'll probably wait until after Christmas to see what happens to the prices.
There are merits to each console; Xbox360 has a better online service, nicer controller and marginally better cross-platform game performance, but when the the other console's advantage is a bunch of very good, exclusive games, that really tips the scales over to that side. Not only that, but those exclusives (MGS4, LBP, Uncharted 2) are probably up there with some of the best games we'll see this generation. I also like that you can replace the hard drive with any other internal HD (possibly notching up the RPM while you do it)
Well, anyway, thanks for the advice, everyone. Keep the discussion going if you like!
I already have a PS3 so now I want a 360 so i can test my XNA games on that. I don't like the new PS3 though because it has no PS2 support. Currently, I still have more PS2 games than ps3 games so that is a definite minus for me. I also have a Wii, Nintendo DS and a PC so the 360 will complete my collection. Truly the only reason I want the 360 is because of XNA. Even the good XLBA games are coming to PS3 store.
Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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This is Koji. Copy and paste Koji to your sig so he can acheive world domination.
I think having to pay for Xbox live should work against the 360 really, not for it. Even if it was free i can't see how it's a better service than the Ps3. Microsoft just have a policy of charging for everything, even outfits for your online avatars.
I've played online on Wii, Xbox and PS3 and they are all pretty much identical. Wii is probably the best as it's a lot simpler, but you can only access your account from the Wii you bought. But in the end they're all pretty much the same.
I'm sorry guys maybe i should have been alittle bit clearer, i'm sure the games work just fine online. What i mean is the whole online experience isn't as good. For me Xbox live is about playing together with my friends and making new ones. Everyone who has Xbox live has a mic and its really easy to chat to each other and jump into games and socialize. I don't get the same experience with the other two platforms thats just my opinion.
having a mic and playing with people you know or making new friends isn't something that is unique to Xbox live.
Besides everyone having a mic isn't always a good thing anyway.
Yeh Andy i realise that and fair point. Anyways Nim just voiceing my opinion Xbox live is the way forword i'm happy to pay £40 a year for a great online easy to use service! And more to the point the Xbox live service is the main reason why i would advise you to go down the Microsoft route! Wow these rooms are tough..... think i'll stick to game making
I really wouldn't say Nintendo's internet service is better than Live. Infact I, and probably 99% of the planet, would say otherwise.
Friend codes, single account, can't transfer account, games locked to account (which is locked to the console), different codes for different games (non universal), no profile, only in a few games, extremely limited voice chat (still just in Animal Crossing?), no text chat, limited messaging service. Nintendo's is worse than XBL on the original Xbox.
There only seems to be only 2 or 3 good games for Wii/xbox/ps3, it's a pity. Hopefully technology/hardware will increase drastically soon, so we can move on to a fresh new generation (which probably won't happen for another 6 years).
The online service on the Wii is more like the Sega Saturn than the original Xbox. At least on the Saturn you would use the same number for all games (same as your phone number, the system would dial the other player directly to reduce latency)
I'd say if you can afford it and isn't bothered by the lack of Halo go for the PS3. It has better exclusives.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
id have to say PS3 ive got both and tbh the PC is the best =P buuut PS3 is better than xbox cos the xbox is a pile of crap, the OS is crap when you press the middle button whether your in game or not, it lags! go for PS3 and get SOCOM Comforntations ftw
I know Nim has already made his decision, but i would still like to try giving my fair judgment on the two consoles.
To start off, i own both PS3 and Xbox360.
In comparison to PS3, i feel the Xbox is ripping me off. If i play my PS3 and i want to play online, i need only connect. If on my PS3 i want some DLC for my game, i pay for and download the DLC. The Xbox is cheaper, cheap is better, no one wants more expensive. If i play my 360 and i want to play online, i need to PAY to do so. If on my 360 i want some DLC for my game, i need first having PAYED for online, then pay for what the DLC costs. If i want to continue playing my 360, i need to PAY supplying a constant flow of energy to the 360 controller/s, being it batteries wich are rechargeable or not. Considering how 360 kinda pushes the responsibility on YOU, to pay continuously for the controller to function, for a online connection(like you don't already pay for your connection) yearly, i cannot help but feel like I'm being ripped off. The amount payed not being the point here; im not buying a car, why should i pay a yearly fee to be able to enjoy playing games, why should i pay to make my controller power on? Again, its the principal here, not the amount of money; What if you don't have that much money, what if your broke? How much does the 360 care about you them? Your controller will turn off, and your gaming experience gets limited if not non-existing, because you don't have the money to spend. Again, its the principal. Its in this contrast i feel PS3 CARES more about keeping you as a professional gamer, and less about you as a paying costumer or your wallet. If my 360 controller don't have power, i will actually have to get off my ass, go down to the store, and spend MONEY if i haven't already done so. This is not about being lazy or not, if anyone feels they need to make a point of that. Its not so much Sony getting a big plus for this, but rather Microsoft getting a huge minus.
Regarding graphics, im no expert on the hardware of any of the consoles, and can therefore only talk from my personal experience. And my personal experience is that 360 does have noticeable, not huge not faintly, but noticeable better graphics. a game i have spent many many hours playing is Fallout, and i started off playing it on 360. I later bought it for PS3, and being a bit picky about details, i did notice things as the view distance was short, the lighting seemed a but duller and 'especially' the camera change when turning seemed smooth like a motion blur on 360, but rougher and 'uglier' on the PS3. I don't do any of the consoles any justice having little to none insight intoo the hardware, or by judging by a single game experience. Never the less, as hard as it may be for me to put my finger on exactly what, my experience and impression with Fallout and other games i have played on the 360 is that 360 has the noticeably edge in graphics, being it an edge of effort from the designers part or better hardware.
Now the controller is another very important thing about a console. The two controllers are different, sometimes buttons are sticky on the PS3 controller, and sometimes the 360 buttons getts sticky as well, its nothing to weep over. But one thing that has noticably failed on the 360 controller, is the Dpad, and yes its a big deal, its a huge part of the controller and its actually being used in games. If it had just been a minor irritation, like the stickiness of some buttons, i wouldn't have bothered mentioning it, but in the 360s case it matters. selecting directions up-left up-right down-left down-right is a gamble, also up down left right can easily result in a wild moves. For instance in games as Oblivion and Fallout, where the Dpad directions are used to store things like magic and weapons, being able to switch between thees at will is essential, instead of entering inventory multiple times during a battle to equip/ select the correct weapons/ magic during a battle. With the 360 controller i found this a big pain in the ass, i found myself more than often jumping around walking backwards for long periods of time because it was just so darn hard to select the weapon/ magic you had stored in one of the Dpad directions. Playing the same games on PS3 i have hav no such problems at all. The 360 Dpad issues greatly affected my gameplay experience of thees great big games, Fallout and Oblivion.
Another little thin that add upp to 360s minus side, is something everyone who have ever played a 360 know about. The loud humming noise of the console. You may want to say, "Its the game thats important", "Its there for a reason" or "You can turn it off". But either way, a very noticeable loud humming noise coming from your console is not an advantage, and off course its the game thats important but it may annoy other in lets say the household, and if you can turn it off why was it there in the first place? Why not turn it off permanently.
Giving the 360 a minus because the controllers are battery powered is somewhat silly, if you ask me. Invest in a nice recharging stand. Or opt for the USB version. But I do agree with the other cost issues.
My brother brought his 360 home for Christmas break, and it rattles the whole hardwood floor even with a carpet under it.
Well, i don't mean to be stubborn, but i will have to disagree that its silly at all. Microsoft deciding to deliver 360s with battery controllers as a standard, IS no matter if you chose to do something about it or not (like investing in stand or new USB version) going to cost you additional money, and not practical. There probably are people that would deem a battery powered controller to be somewhat a neutral solution, neither good nor bad. But hey, you either have to invest in an alternative solution, or keep buying batteries right, either way you loose/spend money. In contrast to the PS3 standard controller, 360s controller is a part of the extra expenditures. And its because of the extra expenditures all together i choose to give it a minus, in contrast to the PS3 where it's all neatly delivered for free. Not the battery powered contoller alone
A very good point indeed! The controller issue itself just doesn't seem like a major issue. An annoyance, sure. I agree that the rest of the fees are a pain.
I like that with an Xbox controller I can plug it into my PC and play all most of my games.
I bought an Arcade 360 so I have a wired controller, but there's an adapter to get wireless ones working too. 360 aside it's the best controller I've used for a PC and thankfully it's got widespread support in both indie and commercial games. (which is funny since the PS3 supports bluetooth headsets, keyboards etc but the controller doesn't work on PC's without mods and hacks and shizz)
Well yeah, since it's the famous MS corporation, the Xbox do offer other treats working outside of the console. Like you said, easy connection to PCs and XNA being some of them. You are able to create and present your created games through Xbox live also, something that to my knowledge isn't possible on PS3. This of course adds a big plus for Xbox, opening for creativity and PC compatibility. I could have included this fact in my 'judgment' above, but i feel it belongs outside the boundaries of casual gaming and therefor doesn't appeal to everyone who just wants to choose a console to play on. Its not taken that all gamer freaks are interested in programming in XNA or programing at all, for instance.
Although i dont program XNA myself or do i plan to, this is an fruitful option i envy the Xbox for having. Still being a Sony patriot when it comes to console gaming
Originally Posted by Dr. James I like that with an Xbox controller I can plug it into my PC and play all most of my games.
I bought an Arcade 360 so I have a wired controller, but there's an adapter to get wireless ones working too. 360 aside it's the best controller I've used for a PC and thankfully it's got widespread support in both indie and commercial games. (which is funny since the PS3 supports bluetooth headsets, keyboards etc but the controller doesn't work on PC's without mods and hacks and shizz)
You don't need mods/hacks/shizz to get the PS3 controller working on the PC - just a simple driver to install, and then it works perfectly fine with ANY game that supports joysticks. Granted it's still more of a hassle than the 360 controller which is practically plug-and-play (plus reconfiguring the buttons can be a pain too), but they both work fine on the PC with minimal effort.
I'm just saying because I've been using my PS3 controller on my PC for about 2 years now and had no issues with it at all.
Originally Posted by OldManClayton Does the PS3 controller charge cable only pass power to the device or would it work as an adapter if you plugged it into a PC?
It's a mini-USB to USB so you could charge it anywhere with an USB..
Originally Posted by SiLVERFIRE Wouldn't you need bluetooth for that to work though?
You can use the USB cable to connect to the PC (like with the 360 controller). Not sure if you can use bluetooth as I don't have a bluetooth adapter.
The USB cable is used to charge the controller, but it can also be used to connect the controller to the PS3/PC - it will charge while it is plugged in, and it can still be used while it is plugged in.
Originally Posted by Flava it can also be used to connect the controller to the PS3/PC - it will charge while it is plugged in, and it can still be used while it is plugged in.
This is what I was looking for, Solgryn. I probably didn't word the question clearly.
I had Nim's quandary a while ago - ended up getting a PS3 and am not unhappy about the decision. The thing that swung it for me was the reliability of the two consoles (having heard numerous reports of XBox360's breaking down), and the fact that I can play my PS1 games on my PS3 (although I have yet to do so, and probably never will!).
But I would say, apart from some minor issues like the ones above, there doesn't seem to be too much between the consoles. Most new games come out on both, both have decent online play and the graphics difference is minimal.
However, the XBox 360 now is being sold for a ridiculous price in England (about £130 with two games), whereas PS3s are still around £200-250 with a game. If I'd have been buying a new console at this moment, I'd get the XBox any day (and to think I almost bought some lad's chipped, old 360 for £70 two week ago).
But I would say, apart from some minor issues like the ones above, there doesn't seem to be too much between the consoles. Most new games come out on both, both have decent online play and the graphics difference is minimal.
You're right, but ps3s break as well. Most new games come out on both. 360 ended up getting most of ps3s supposed "exclusives" , but now I think they're getting closer. I would go as far as to say that live is a lot better than PSN from previous experiences and the online scene is way more competitive.
Originally Posted by Matt Boothman However, the XBox 360 now is being sold for a ridiculous price in England (about £130 with two games), whereas PS3s are still around £200-250 with a game.
At first, the price seemed to be a factor for me too, but £50 really isn't a lot of money. Eventually I decided that I'd pay more for a PS3 if it was worth the investment. Besides, add one year's Xbox Live subscription to that £130 and those two prices get much closer together than they appear.
Cakespear (in his excellent post) talked about batteries, and while that may seem picky, I agree that treating the gamer well is important. The fact that Microsoft doesn't think twice about charging for Live, somehow thinks that gamers are happy to pay for batteries (what else uses batteries now, really?) and are such an enthusiastic proponent of DLC, tells me something about that company (as if I didn't know already.)
On the other hand, Sony had such a monumentally tragic year in 2008 it's a wonder that every employee above mid-level management didn't end up dribbling and shaking in the corner of their office. As such, they've been playing catch-up all year, and there's nothing that gives a company a slap in the arse more than being the underdog for a while. Things are getting better for Sony very quickly and they have a lot of great exclusive games.
I still haven't bought a PS3, so I'm still neutral here, but quite frankly the Xbox360 looks like a melted tupperware tub. The PS3 still looks like a grill, but one that Knight Rider would use, and I'm okay with that.
"Xbox360 looks like a melted tupperware tub. The PS3 still looks like a grill, but one that Knight Rider would use"
Just thought id throw into the fray here, that PS3 comes with 'PShome' where you can run round and interact/ chat with other people, as well as play pool, poker and countless other minigames alone or against other people. There are lot of differnet Zones you can enter like SOCOM, Farcry 2, Resistance, Infamous, Theater etc. where its possible to play unique minigames as well as plan games/ meet with people who have the same interests. Maybe some think of this as a bit silly little alternative life, but i think its fun to entering a poker game dressed as a crazy warewolf, or goof around as a sword wielding snowman dork. And hey, it don't cost nothin'
Originally Posted by nim
Cakespear (in his excellent post) talked about batteries, and while that may seem picky, I agree that treating the gamer well is important. The fact that Microsoft doesn't think twice about charging for Live, somehow thinks that gamers are happy to pay for batteries (what else uses batteries now, really?) and are such an enthusiastic proponent of DLC, tells me something about that company (as if I didn't know already.)
There are wired controllers available though, or if you have a few £ lying around (less than a new controller at least) you can pick up the play and charge kit. It is very good with batteries though, my 360 from April-ish has yet to have its batteries recharged. A lot of things still use them, I have them in Wiimotes, wireless mice, digital cameras, remote controls. But they're rechargeable which it seems nobody else on the internet uses.
Oh and as for DLC, lol. Sony charge for items for the Home thing, they charge for a video podcast, they charge for tiny texture+map packs for LBP, they (also) charge for "premium" themes. Nonono both Microsoft and Sony are very bad when it comes to this. PSN is getting a subscription-based package too.
If you don't want to pay for DLC the best bet is to only buy Valve (on the PC) or Nintendo games.
"Oh and as for DLC, lol. Sony charge for items for the Home thing, they charge for a video podcast, they charge for tiny texture+map packs for LBP, they (also) charge for "premium" themes."
None of those examples really seem to apply to Nim anyway? I adore LBP and have only ever bought the water-add on, and still get hours of gameplay from it. Themes aren't that important, nor are podcasts if you have the internet on a PC already. The PS3 home thing was a bad example of cakespear's in the first place, being pretty boring to use anyway.
So yeah, really seems like you're picking at the crumbs now
Nim said that Microsoft because they're a proponent of DLC, yet Sony are doing the exact same thing as Microsoft. They just don't charge people to play online against each other, both companies charge for first party DLC, both charge similar prices for first party DLC, third party DLC is also available and the costs are the same across platforms. Of course them examples apply to Nim's comment. Did that really need spelling out?
I don't think it's me picking at crumbs. Infact you seem to be doing this an awful lot with both mine and Silverfire's/Brandon's posts. Accusing him of arguing, causing fights and then telling people to get back on topic etc.
Just a little something extra to think about. I have a PS3 and love playing online. I have just recently found however that Sony are planning on creating a premium online service:
MS charge for just about EVERY theme, while the majority on PS3 are still free.
Also, things seems to be cheaper in general on the PS Store than on Xbox Live Marketplace. Braid is 95 sek (PS Store displays your country's currency, that's about £8 anyway) while it's 1200 points on Xbox Live Marketplace (around 142-170 sek depending on if you buy points with credit card or at a retail store, again that's about £12-14)
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
For those without a basic reading skill, bolded to help;
Nim: "Microsoft... are such an enthusiastic proponent of DLC, tells me something about that company"
Jim: "Sony charge for items for the Home thing, they charge for a video podcast, they charge for tiny texture+map packs for LBP..."
Adam: "So yeah, really seems like you're picking at the crumbs now"
What can we learn from the above?
One of the reasons Nim doesn't like Microsoft is because they offer DLC, something that Sony also charge for. To say it doesn't "apply to Nim" whilst he lists it as an annoyance is a bit, well, surely you understand by now.
MS and Sony both charge for content, can we get over it now please?
IMO DLC isn't inherently bad, as long as developers don't intentionally gimp a game just to "fix it" with DLC, or is simply cheats like EA (buy this to give your FIFA player maximum speed)
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Yup, go head and ignore me Adam. Seems I only exit in your world when you have something nasty to say to me. Don't pay any attention to when I'm nice to you.
I feel like the DLC thing has been blown up a bit too much. It was a tiny point inside a slightly larger tiny point (paying extra for DLC, batteries, online, etc) inside another point (the Xbox360's cheaper price advantage), which all turned out to be quite insignificant in the end. But here's my response anyway:
Originally Posted by Dr. James For those without a basic reading skill, bolded to help;
Nim: "Microsoft... are such an enthusiastic proponent of DLC, tells me
One of the reasons Nim doesn't like Microsoft is because they offer DLC, ...
What I said was that Microsoft seem to have really taken a shine to this DLC thing, more than Sony. Thanks for emboldening that section, but you seem to have missed it yourself Both companies offer DLC, but I feel that MS is slightly more enthusiastic about using it when I hear about them charging for trivial things like themes and letting you dress up your avatar for 400 points. On the other hand, Sony are guilty of Home, which is hardly a plus for them. I daresay that if Sony weren't the underdog at the moment, we'd be paying for their online service too.
So yeah, we bought the PS3. So far I'm really enjoying it, but I'd probably say that about either console at first. I love the XMB interface. It feels like I've bought a proper multimedia centre than just a games machine. Little Big Planet had me laughing out loud. What I don't like is its controller - it feels quite light and a little small.
"What I don't like is its controller - it feels quite light and a little small"
I really like the controller It's pretty much the same as the PS2 anyway- Id rather have a light controller than heavy or even medium weight, no matter how heavy it is my wrists would get tired after a few hours anyway, so the lighter the better I guess?
Just buy the keypad attachment Makes it twice the size and heavier And ofc you can type faster to friends in LBP
The PS3 controller is pretty light, which I don't like for some reason - though I have a Sixaxis, not sure if the Dualshock is any different. If you have a USB keyboard don't bother buying the keypad accessory - you can just plug in your keyboard and use that in LittleBigPlanet, XMB and other games too.
Regarding the whole DLC debate - it's not just Microsoft and Sony who offer it. For example, Sony are not the ones who develop and sell LBP DLC. Sure they get a bit of the money because they offer it on their store, but it's all content developed by Media Molecule and offered at a very reasonable price.
If it wasn't for DLC I probably wouldn't have played LBP for about a year. The whole buying themes/avatar clothes is silly in my opinion though - but people do it. PS Home has made a lot of money if my memory serves me right, and I'm sure Microsoft have sold a lot of avatar stuff as well. They're sort of impulse buys really.
At the end of the day they don't force you to buy this stuff - it's additional content. The prices for DLC on PS3 are very reasonable - except for the Home stuff in my opinion.
The lightness and lack of how much the controller fills my hand, are a couple reasons I don't like the sixaxis or the dualshocks anymore. I kind of fell in love with the 360 controller almost immediately. Felt almost perfect as soon as I started using it.
I've never used a free-standing PS3 controller, sadly. But I have held one and used the 360 controller and PS2 controllers fairly extensively. They are both fairly ergonomic, but I would argue in favor of the 360's design, since the Dualshock controller doesn't quite fit perfectly. It's such a minor issue though, that I probably wouldn't give it much weight if I were deciding between the two consoles.
I still think the Gamecube controller is the best and most comfortable controller in existence.
haha why am i NOT surprised that my best friend ever ADAM said ps3 of course
seriously why is it always like that
by the way the correct answer is: it's a matter of choice
I personally say 360 but that's because it got all the games I love while the PS3 is lacking any title I care about and the exclusive titles it got...well I don't like those. In a lot of cases the graphics of the 360 is better when the games also exist on the PS3. Also the 360 is cheaper and I like the controller a lot while I just hate the PS3 controller but once again that's only a personal taste. There are quite a lot of great downloadable games for the 360 while the PSN network is quite slow. It took them ages to get Braid, too.
If you care about watching BluRays get the PS3.
You like PS3 titles and don't care about 360 titles.
Xbox Live > PSN.
So it's 2 to 1 for PS3 it seems to me so get yourself a PS3 - I think it would fit you the best.
Message I have to add: There you go to PS3 fags, I love the 360 yet I don't force it onto people and I even tell them to buy a PS3 if it fits them better.
Oh also if you want to know about region locking for the 360
Also if you enjoy the WII note that Project Natal will come out for the 360 this year. Even though all the videos Microsoft has released look awesome I personally can't imagine it to work as well as their fake footage makes it look like since it's all just compositing and no actual footage. IF Project Natal will work the way it is supposed to - it would be mind blowing- but I can not imagine it at all. It would be too great and until we get something like this to work well oh I don't would be probably 2012. But I might be completely wrong (I hope I am)
Admin Note Please do not submit provocative posts :P
You wrote a lot in favour of the Xbox360 but in the end it was a simple matter of the PS3's exclusive games being better for me than the Xbox360's. I agree with the graphics and controller being slightly better on the Xbox360, but those are things I can deal with when I'm playing LBP, MGS4 and Uncharted.
Yeah, on multiplatform games the 360 tends to have an edge. But can anyone tell me a 360 game that looks as good as Uncharted 2?
And I disagree on the 360 having better controller on one point, the D-pad is worthless. Granted, most of the time you only use it for stuff like weapon selection anyway, but it really sucks when you want to play a fighting game. Otherwise, I'd say they're equal.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
One system isn't better than the other.
One is a piece of overheating engineering feces, but has a large selection of games; both In Store and Online. Of course, with the overheating fiasco, you're covered for a few years under warranty. (Helpful!)
The other is engineered a bit better, but still has it's flaws (Drives dying, Over Movie use). The game library is big, and getting bigger. It's online play is free, but it's network isn't nearly up to snuff (yet). Your warranty is short.
Neither one is a "BEST MACHINE".
So it comes down to what games do you want to play. A large majority of titles are multiplatform. So then it comes down to exclusives. Do you want a 360 for Fable 2, or a PS3 for Warhawk (I Love Warhawk. Seriously.)
The 2 HD consoles are so similar it's almost pointless to try and determine "Which one is better". The handhelds though, those are much, much different beasts. They are so fundamentally different (PSP, DS, iPhone/iPod) you could argue all day on that.
I'd definatley consider it to be a console. Some people will buy iPod touch with game playability/downloads being one of the main factors of purchasing it.
Originally Posted by SiLVERFIRE iPod is an MP3 player. iPod Touch turns it into a phone without the phone. I'd hardly consider it a hand-held console.
At the moment it's not quite there and games still seem like glorified mobile phone games. But! Both the DS and PSP had troublesome starts and it took them a while before finding their markets. I'm interested to see how far Android, Zune and the iPod get in terms of quality gaming. They're certainly powerful enough and development is cheap enough for anyone to produce a game for them.
Also: they need Doom! DooooooooM.
I'm looking forward to see what's to come with the ZuneHD. It's got one of the most powerful graphic chips for a hand held mobile device. Quite frankly though, I'd rather have a variety of devices to do a variety of things well, then a single device that does everything mediocre.
Gaming: PSP
:: I don't want to use a stylus to play games.
Music/Video: ZuneHD by far.
:: OLED screen cannot be beat. Zune Pass.
Communication: Droid
:: Physical keyboard. I can't stand touch keyboards.
I love my Xbox 360 I've had for a year and a half and it's been perfect. I never really thought about buying a PS3 when I got my xbox One of the main reasons that I got an xbox 360 was because all my friends had it and I wanted to play with them (around 25 friends). I only knew two of my friends that had a PS3
Also I bought it for the cool games. Even though both consoles have a ton of same games, my first game was Halo 3 Love it. Too bad you got a PS3 Nim. We could've played together! Sumo319
I don't know why people have these console wars between the two. In reality, there pretty much exactly the same thing and offer just as good games on each console. (Forget Wii, bleh). I'm gonna go and play with my friends now
Wii is okay for "interactive" games. Some of the titles are pretty decent such as need for speed underground, super smash bros. brawl, or zelda twilight princess. However the graphics cannot compare to the xbox 360 or the PS3. Also it barely has online play, and usually it sucks. Controls are also very difficult and annoying if your trying to play first person shooters (which there aren't many). Before I had an xbox 360, I got CoD 3 for the Wii, and boy did that suck
You cant really add the Wii into this conversation, as it just can't compete. So yes compared to these, the Wii does suck. But I Xbox 360 and PS3 are pretty much simmilar:
-"parties" (from Xbox 360. I don't know what you would call them in PS3)
-same games
Just found out that the PS3 doesn't have a group chat feature like the Xbox 360 (Party). That sucks! Sony should add that in so players can talk to other players even when their playing different games
Just found out that the PS3 doesn't have a group chat feature like the Xbox 360 (Party). That sucks! Sony should add that in so players can talk to other players even when their playing different games
It does have a group chat feature, but I believe it's limited to text chat at the moment. Cross game voice chat is supposed to be coming in a future firmware update though.
What could possibly be incomplete about either console in comparison to the other? This has to be by far the closest console war ever in terms of identification of uniqueness of each console. It really comes down to whether you like glossy black or matte and which controller fits better in your hand.
And yes, the Wii falls very short this generation. The interactivity in it is very weak. They've done nothing but replace rapid button pressing with rapid controller waggling. It wouldn't even be so bad if it also didn't seem like how you control it felt so irrelevant to the game itself. I'm sorry, but it's not necessarily innovative or very fun to spend most of your time trying to average out what you know and how you think a game should be played, with how the game thinks you should be playing it. Then it slaps you in the face with a game that doesn't need anything but rapid motion in who cares what direction, and you're there trying your best to be as precise as you can, only to figure out that a five year old is doing better then you because he discovered long ago that he didn't care how to play that game, he just knows how to play all the other games and isn't surprised when the same philosophy works there too. Swing = win.
You're not playing the same games I'm playing, then. I don't like the waggle games either. This discussion is about the HD consoles anyway, sorry to pull it off track.
Just found out that the PS3 doesn't have a group chat feature like the Xbox 360 (Party). That sucks! Sony should add that in so players can talk to other players even when their playing different games
It does have a group chat feature, but I believe it's limited to text chat at the moment. Cross game voice chat is supposed to be coming in a future firmware update though.
Text chat is boring Actually speaking to your friends is way better.
Anyway, I'm just posting here again to give my impressions 2 weeks later.
The controller: I mentioned before that the PS3 controller feels light and a little too small. That's only partly true now that I've gotten used to it. It still feels light (because it is light) and I wish the side handles were a bit bulkier that that it would fit my hands better, but in terms of button placement it feels just right. I also appreciate the left analog stick's placement being lower, in comparison to the Xbox 360, because I find it easier to make small left and right adjustments which is great for racing games. I've had to charge the batteries twice so far, which has cost me nothing.
The PSN Store / online stuff is as basic as it gets, probably, but it's perfectly funcional and that's okay for me. I don't know what's available on the Xbox 360 but I imagine that you get more since you're paying for it.
On the plus side, the main reason I went for the PS3 was for the exclusive games, and that's turned out to be a good decision. Little Big Planet is like no game I've ever played before. I recommend that everyone interested in game design (that's everyone on this site, right?) try it at least once. The presentation is unbelievably good and I feel like I'll never see the end of its content. Uncharted - the first one, not even the sequel - is unbelievable and I completed it in two 7-hour sittings. With Heavy Rain, God of War 3 and The Last Guardian (and more) on the horizon, I'm glad I didn't underestimate the importance of exclusive games. The Xbox360 has a few games I'd like too, like Trials HD.
Another very nice feature the that I can set up my PC as a media server and stream video and music to the PS3. I'm assuming that the Xbox360 can do this too since I'm using Windows Media Player to set up the media server.
One thing I haven't gotten used to is FPS games on consoles. I wish I could get used to the slow, awkward turning, but I feel like every time I die I feel like the controls are to blame rather than my reactions. Bioshock is a mixed bag - I love the design and atmosphere (so in my book, it's already a good game) but it feels like you're walking knee-deep in syrup all the time.
I've had some issues with regard to international games but I'll post later about that.
The Xbox360 still has some advantages, but all-in, I'm very happy I decided to buy the PS3.
I was out shopping today and i saw the Xbox Elite on sale very cheap! (Im not living in US, but about 330,- USD)
With headset(wireless? think so), two games and a wireless controller
having done no background research on the Lite, I thought it was a smaller Xbox console(very good) making less noise(Excellent!) and maybe with other small improvement as well (like the Microsoft version of the PS3 Slim)! Already owning a Xbox i though i would buy the Elite, and sell my regular one.
But asking the dude at the counter, i was told there is nothing special about the Elite(Other than the color), its just a package, comes with more equipment basically. <
I still haven't done any looking up on the Elite, but does anyone own the Elite? Is there really no improvements on it, its just a regular Xbox?
if so, the name had me misled, like 'PS3 Prime' and its basically the same PS3 with different color.
Meh, still would be cool if Microsoft would come with an equivalent to the PS3 Slim "smaller Xbox console" "less noise".
If they did i would probably have traded it in for the one i already own But a different color + equipment just doesnt convince me to purchase a whoopng new Xbox
Originally Posted by Dr. James MD
Bzzt wrong. The PS3 has the better CPU chip, but the Xbox has better memory and GPU.
It's interesting to me how people can search forums to come to conclusions which are just as ridiculous as the piracy of this statement.
Anyone who understands how hardware works knows that you're comparing an apple to a different apple.
I'll clarify this so hopefully none of you make this mistake again:
Memory: There is more than just one type of memory on each machine, it depends on the quality of the SDK and the developers knowledge of it how much memory can be used and where it must be allocated. A clever developer or at the least a knowledgeable one can get just as much and in some cases more memory out of either system. It's all on what you need and where you put it.
Graphics: Xbox doesn't have a better GPU it actually has a worse GPU. Luckily for M$ they have the bigger and more widely accepted SDK which works in DX libraries. Why would PS3 use DX libraries? Good question, and it doesn't. It's called Xbox because it's there attempt to rid the world of free, open source (and I'll so bravely say better) libraries such as Open GL. As it's name implies (Direct X Box). PS3 uses a modified version of Open GL. Look it up and see what real people with real experience say. Open GL is just plain better. Less people know how to use it is all.
"oh but I saw a port to port comparison". So what? OS X will run better on a mac that is less powerful than a PC simply because it was developed for a MAC. You have any idea how difficult it is to develop a game to an audience with a larger demographic and than port it to a different system with an entirely different architecture? Let's just remind you of my OS X statement one more time.
I'm sorry and I'm not a "fanyboy", I don't really give a Donkey's Eyeball on which is a "better" system as I own both. But this myth being spread around needs to stop. PS3 IS MORE POWERFUL...... PERIOD.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
Thanks Liquixcat. My original question was about which is better - as in, which would be a more sensible purchase for someone who only wants to buy one of the consoles. I don't know when or how it turned into a debate about which is more technically powerful, but thanks for your comment anyway. Like you, I don't care much for comparing the graphics capabilities of the consoles. Everyone can see that they're pretty much on-par in that respect. The PS3 tends to fare worse when comparing graphics in cross-platform games, but I can deal with that when I'm having so much fun with the PS3's exclusive games.