The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Klik Coding Help ::. How many of you have made single-frame games?

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  22/03/2013 05:18:14
2nd January, 2016 at 02/01/2016 23:22:32 -

Originally Posted by Jenswa

No example needed, consider these frames for a platformer:
1 title
2 menu
3 world map
4 level
5 game over
6 end

The names of the frames speak for themselves.

In frame 4, to level that will be loaded for play there is a level ending condition.
Once that condition is met, the game can jump to frame 3, the world map and the player
can select the next level to play, which will be loaded in frame 4.

That's the basic idea behind it.

Hmm...I see. So basically to create a single frame game I need to have a level editor frame as well?

I just looked up good ol' Nivram's site and found a level editor example. Unfortunately, when I tried to open it, it turns out I don't have several extensions:

Window Control (kcwctrl.mfx)
Combo Box (kccombo.mfx)
File (kcfile.mfx)
Ini++ (INI++.mfx)

I found Ini++.mfx, but MMF2 is having trouble recognizing it for some reason (it won't register the extension)

I also can't find Window Control, Combo Box, or File Object as the links to the extensions have expired.

Edited by J.C



loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
3rd January, 2016 at 03/01/2016 23:35:54 -

Been doing single frame until I started using flash. I didn't realize I could store binary data inside the flash file so there was really no reason for me to stop





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5th January, 2016 at 05/01/2016 06:01:42 -

Ricky isn't it time to update your avatar, you've looked the same for the past 10 years!
Also flash, isn't that on it's way out?



Possibly Insane

6th January, 2016 at 06/01/2016 15:15:08 -

@Dr Jamses 2
Nothing wrong with lots of frames, except that KNP/TGF/MMF can't keep up with them.

Well, you might want a level editor, it's more comfortable editing your levels.
But a text file with different characters will do for a tilemap.

For a basic level editor, you just need your mouse, some objects to select from
for placing in the level and some kind of data storage (ini object for example).
The Ini++ extension probably isn't really needed, the Ini extension could be enough.
The other extensions are probably there to fancy up the level editor, creating nice
saving dialogs it would guess.

You might want to try to create a level editor for tilemaps, those maps are used a lot
in video game consoles. Or you could create a level editor which just stores objects at
x,y coordinates.

@Ricky et -UrbanMonk-
Flash has been slowly dying since ... the takeover by Adobe?
Anyways, Macromedia did fine to sell.
But I am sure you can store binary data in MMF as well, it's just a question of how convenient
the store and retrieval process is. You can also store level data as strings inside.



loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
11th January, 2016 at 11/01/2016 12:32:45 -

Originally Posted by -UrbanMonk-
Ricky isn't it time to update your avatar, you've looked the same for the past 10 years!
Also flash, isn't that on it's way out?

I don't age


Rick Cameron

  11/03/2012 08:45:25
13th January, 2016 at 13/01/2016 22:58:29 -

Semi-Related question;

What's the highest line-count you've ever crammed into a single frame? Because I'm working on a game that's currently sitting at 2889 lines, and it's probably going to be around 5k or so by the time it's finished. Am I nervous that it will all collapse into a superdense ball of tangled Alt Values and object reference errors?

Yes. Yes I am.





VIP MemberSonic SpeedSnow Cloud!Computer
15th January, 2016 at 15/01/2016 03:54:35 -

the line limit is something crazy like 16k, but you should watch your event groups they are limited to about 50, i hit that limit and it was unpleasant.


Rick Cameron

  11/03/2012 08:45:25
16th January, 2016 at 16/01/2016 14:04:11 -

Do you mean a frame having 50+ Groups of events, or Groups open that contain 50+ lines?

Because my current WIP contains both and runs fine! The group "Attack Phase" alone accounts for about 20 groups and 500 lines.





VIP MemberSonic SpeedSnow Cloud!Computer
18th January, 2016 at 18/01/2016 01:01:29 -

You have 20, and the max is 50, and 50 minus 20 is 30 so you can add 30 more groups. It will stop you from adding groups if you reach that limit. It doesn't matter if groups are open or closed. The max limit is approximately 50. To my knowledge, there is no limit for the number of events in a group either.


Rick Cameron

  11/03/2012 08:45:25
18th January, 2016 at 18/01/2016 03:05:56 -

109 Event Groups in total so far in the frame.




18th January, 2016 at 18/01/2016 15:21:36 -

Not sure about Fusion 2.5 but MMF's limit is 8912 events, beyond which you'll begin overwriting the events beginning at 1.
128 actions per event.

I don't think there's a limit on event groups but if there is it'll be something ridiculous like 1000+.


Rick Cameron

  11/03/2012 08:45:25
20th January, 2016 at 20/01/2016 02:06:07 -

Thank's Nim! That's a relief, actually. I'm pretty sure I can fit all the rest of the code within 5000-odd lines!


Rick Cameron

  11/03/2012 08:45:25
21st January, 2016 at 21/01/2016 04:22:22 -

Whilst we're talking about limits, is there any hard cap on the amount of animations you can have in an active?

Not frames per animation, but actual different animations (Stopped, Walking, custom 1, 2, 3... etc)

Cheers guys.


Dr James 2

  17/02/2015 13:10:14
25th January, 2016 at 25/01/2016 16:46:17 -

Originally Posted by nim
Not sure about Fusion 2.5 but MMF's limit is 8912 events, beyond which you'll begin overwriting the events beginning at 1.
128 actions per event.

I don't think there's a limit on event groups but if there is it'll be something ridiculous like 1000+.

Fusion 2.5 might have 20,000 if I understand this correctly



  27/10/2016 12:32:11
27th October, 2016 at 27/10/2016 12:49:13 -

For what it's worth, I picked up Fusion 2.5 in the recent humble (finally upgrading from mmf) and I've so far crammed 187 animations into a button active. Yes, a button with 187 different options. So I'm thinking the limit is either 255 or nothing. Or just stupid high.

Either way a good number.

The former rick_cameron here. I've forgotten all my login details and requesting New passwords does absolutely nothing :l


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